Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Days 1 & 2: Lucid Project

Day 1: I went to bed at 10 at night, woke up at about 1 in the morning and took 2 mg of melatonin and went back to bed. Dreams were plentiful. A couple of nights before I had a dreamful night but in the larger picture I have not remembered this much in a long time. I feel just the intention of dreaming and creating this project has sparked something. I woke up at about 4 am for work and wrote everything down immediately before getting ready.

The family piled into the car, getting ready for a journey on the road.
I was loading everything in and organizing it, but as I went along
all this trash kept accumulating and I kept filling plastic bags with random crap.
I was getting frustrated because the more I tried to organize inside the car the
more trash kept piling up. 

Day 2:  I came home, made a quick dinner, then laid down. Unintentionally I fell asleep hard, from about 7-9. I woke up for a few hours before going back to bed. I think the was very significant. REM occurs after about four hours of sleep. When I went back to bed at almost midnight I felt I dreamed all night. I kept waking up through out the night which I'm sure occurred to my recall of it. I kept thinking I needed to get up and jot it down. Eventually my memory felt bombarded and I only remember glimpses, mostly of the last dream before getting out of bed. I ended up sleeping till about 10. No lucidity. No supplements. 

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