Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 15: Flying to Outer-space and reccurring scenarios

I would like to think this project has thus far been successful as I slowly regain the ability to dream recall. I want to say on average I have been remembering two dreams a night.

Day 15 marks the third lucid experience I can vividly recall. It also marks Day 1 of the Galantamine experiment and four recalls in one night.

Sleep Cycle:
-Bed @ 9:30 pm
-Woke @ 1:50 am, recalled and recorded a dream, and took 4 mg of Galantamine before falling back asleep.
-Woke @ 7:05 am and recorded another dream. I was astonished at how well of a sleep I had and how awake and clear minded I felt. I decided to go back to sleep with confidence I could obtain lucidity and leave my body like just as I had in last experience.

Method: WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream)

Location: Sandwich shop, Tunnel, Outer-space

Characters: Shop owner, Astronauts

Intent: Fly to outer-space

-Inability to hold onto awareness
-Misuse of power (Details are personal)

I was in a reoccurring dream location: a small cobblestone village. I have visited a sandwich shop in this town various times. Each time I have difficulty placing an order. Last time I only had a debit card and they only accepted cash. This time I could hardly read the menu because the words were disappearing. The shop owner was becoming irritated, unrightfully so. I told her she was acting like a bitch and I would take my business elsewhere. She immediately apologized.

"At that point I became lucid. Just like last time I woke myself in attempt to leave my body before fully awakening to be extremely aware. I don't recall much of this part. I then found myself flying through a tunnel of green and neon yellow colors swirling around.
This is the second experience I've had of flying through some sort of vortex of time and space. My intention was to arrive at a planet in outer-space. I called for someone to guide me through this tunnel. A hand (no body) reached out to me. I grabbed a hold of it until we reached the end of the tunnel. I was wearing a space suit and landed on a planet that looked similar to the moon, but I was not alone. A whole crew of astronauts were gathered around. I don't know where they were from. I interacted with them for a short time before waking up and ending the experience."

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