Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 9: Out of Body

After a very frustrating night of difficult to recall dreams I had an astral projection through a lucid dream. In the dream I was having I was living in a two story farm house. Everything was so cluttered and dirty and trash kept piling up. I was waking up in and out of a dream and dove back into the dream with full awareness. I almost immediately woke myself up out of the dream to perform an exit technique. I tried separating from my body but there felt like a physical block, when everything went black and I was in a void. I shoved that perceived wall and ended up in the location of my previous dream. Same location, whole different experience.

I must have learned fast from my last lucid experience I wrote about, in which I did not have any intent so the experience slipped away, though I haven't grasped the concept quite yet. Immediately after projecting I thought "Intent" then thought of finding some sort of guide to assist me. A little boy climbed up a ladder through the window. I couldn't understand anything he was saying. I left the room and found a rooster who I also could not understand. I was getting frustrated and hollering at the rooster to tell me anything. I then realized I had never asked either of them a solid question.

Sleep Cycle: 
-Bedtime at 10 pm
-Woke up from 2 - 2:30 am, took 3 mg of melatonin
-Slept from 2:30 am-7:30 am
-Woke up for thirty minutes then back to sleep from 7:30 - 10 am when I had the experience

Method: WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream)

Location: Random two story house

Appearance- Dream vs. Projection: In the dream everything was a shade of dull gray, when I projected I could see much clearer and everything had a dark orange glow.

Characters: Rooster (a guide), A little boy (a guide), various people I was not paying attention to

Intent: To meet a guide to answer my questions.

-still an incomplete intent
-My vision kept blacking out as awareness slipped away. I surpassed this for a little while by exclaiming "Awareness now" then everything would be come much clearer.
-Prolonged experience and I lost awareness all together

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