Monday, May 11, 2015

Lucid Sage

I wanted to dedicate this post to a fantastic blog I came across recently regarding lucid dreaming. There are some wonderful sites across the internet relating to this subject. However, I was about to give up on finding a blog that not only had useful content but was also up to date. Almost every blog I came across hadn't been updated in over two years, until I finally found Lucid Sage.

 Lucid Sage is more than just a blog documenting the writer's personal journey into the depths of their subconscious. The writer puts forth a good amount of effort to inform people of techniques, keep up on scientific research on sleep studies, and new lucid dreaming devices and supplements entering the market.

One of the most interesting aspects of the blog is the podcast. I admit that the blog posts read more like articles and are a couple of years old, but the podcast is still being updated regularly. There are 20 episodes total that range 30 minutes to an hour in length. They cover many lucid dreaming topics, including techniques, the writer's personal experiences, and many interviews. The most recent podcast is an interview with the creators of Anamnesis, a fictional mini web series I gave mention to a couple of posts ago.

I believe I will take something away from this blog as I dive deeper into the subject matter. There is also a sense of unity that this blog has fulfilled by making me feel connected to what's happening in the lucid dreaming community.

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