Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 23 & Experiment on Galantamine

I have briefly noted in previous posts that I have taken Galantamine in the middle of the night and have given links to galantamine resources. My intention was to experiment with this supplement for a few days and record the outcomes. Now I will stop to give you the details why I would so such a thing.

Galantamine is used as a minor treatment to Alzheimer or memory impairments. It is obtained from the flowers of such plants as spider lily or snowdrop. People have used galantamine to increase their odds of lucid dreaming. Many lucid dreams suggest taking a recommended amount of 4 - 8 mg after about five hours of deep sleep and using a lucid induction method to increase your lucid chances. I believe the reason for this is that Galantamine has a short shelf life and yours odds will increase by taking closer to your REM cycle. It's also recommend that you space days out between uses to not build up resistance.

Though this supplement is approved by the FDA, caution is advised. It has been reported taking the supplement on a daily basis for an extended period of time will effect brain chemistry and might give some gastro-intestinal problems. For some light sleepers it can interfere with a restful nights sleep.

I have never taken Galantamine prior to this three non consecutive day experiment so have never had the opportunity to build up a resistance

Day 1 of my Galantamine experiment: 

Date: May 13, 2015

Dosage: 4 mg

Time Taken: 2 am (5 hours after sleeping)

Beginning Feelings: Surge of brain activity. Difficulty falling into a deep sleep.

Result: Enhanced dream recall. Lucid Dream at 7 am.

   Induction Technique: WILD


Day 2

Date: May 16, 2015

Dosage: 4 mg

Time Taken: 1-2 am (3 hours of sleep)

Beginning Feelings: None

Result: Enhanced dream recall but "overloaded" with memory. I believe I was completely exhausted. However, I did wake up feeling very refreshed and clear minded like I actually had a good night's sleep for once.  


Day 3

Date: May 17, 2015

Dosage: 8 mg

Time Taken: 4 am (five hours of sleep)

Beginning Feelings: None

Result: Night full of dream recall. Lucid Dream around 7-8 am. 
    Induction Technique: Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD)

"It was if I fell asleep in waking life and woke up in a mirrored dream realm.
I was in my bed in my apartment but of course everything looked slightly different. 
Immediately I jumped out of bed, opened front door, ready to snoop around in my 
bitchy neighbor's apartments. Suddenly I jolted back into my body and woke up."


Day 4 

Date: Present Day-May 20, 2015 Day 23 of Lucid Project

Dosage: 8 mg 

Time Taken: 4 am (6 hours of sleep)

Beginning Feelings: Increased brain activity. I tossed and turned on the brink of awake and dreams for awhile. 

Result: Enhanced ream recall and multiple lucid experiences early morning. Even though I had tossed and turned quite some time I woke up feeling completely rested and awake. 

    Induction Technique: Dream Induced Lucid Dream (DILD)

    Location: A cobble stone village called "Nope"

    Intent: Visit Germany

    "When I became aware in my dream that I was lucid, I was standing in a dark warehouse.
I thought "Adventure Time!" and began running out of the building with Germany in my mind. 
Along the way I did my best to apply awareness techniques by feeling the textured black ground.
Right outside the doors a bunch of children were playing in a kiddie pool. 
Still attempting to anchor myself, I drank a big gulp of water and they giggled.
I don't think I landed in Germany, but it was a very charming small cobble stone village with carriages pulled by horses. All the childrens' clothes reminded me of the industrial revolution.
I met up with two young boys. Were hollering at each other across the street. They told me the 
town was called "nope" and I demanded to know the meaning of it. They then told me that
Nope was somewhere between the astral and waking life. 

I was trying to get to this carnival in the distance and was surprised 
at how long the experience was lasting. Soon after everything became black. 
I did not wake up, instead I was floating in a black void and it was peaceful.
With my imagination I found myself in a spinning vortex again. The experience ended."


My conclusion with the use of Galantamine is a very positive outlook. I believe that for beginners the supplement can initiate various induction methods that you apply more easily, and thus give the feeling of these initiations of lucidity for future use. 

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